The Carrol Foundation

What is the Carrol Foundation?

The Carrol Foundation picks up the torch, the baton, that Pastor Will has handed off to us.

We are so excited you have stopped by.  We invite you to join us as we embark on this long-prayed over service to God’s people. As a Ministry family, our heart’s desire is to walk with you, our brothers and sisters in Christ, offering a refreshing cup of cold water to each other. With that we welcome you into our home and into our hearts.

Throughout William’s journey on this side of eternity, his life consisted of furthering his love of the Lord and His people as well as living out what he would teach and preach to the fullest extent. We would like to invite you to join us as we continue this journey of service. The Carrol Foundation is not a charity organization, but a foundation meaning something (such as an idea, a principle, or a fact) that provides support for something to grow.  This foundation will grow, as we grow and develop. We are excited to share and welcome you to join us as we work on various projects, including a Documentary on Williams’ life, and a website fully dedicated to the ministry of William that will be home to his sermon audios and videos from the early years of ministry, including papers, poems and books. Tressy’s living journal is where she shares her own heart with you, as difficult but as real as it comes, to encourage you in times where you may feel alone.

We look forward to serving you, and serving with you. If you would like to partner with TCF, or join our team, do write to us:, we would be delighted to talk with you.